Aucune description

Danj0rr b970119855 auto create_time and model_no, enable modify file type, combine modify name and modify file il y a 1 an
public 0601726296 update il y a 1 an
src b970119855 auto create_time and model_no, enable modify file type, combine modify name and modify file il y a 1 an
static 0601726296 update il y a 1 an
.gitignore bd99e8798e ignore和去掉node_modules il y a 1 an 0601726296 update il y a 1 an
babel.config.js 0601726296 update il y a 1 an
package-lock.json 3af3e06cf5 跳转部分修改 il y a 1 an
package.json 2953834504 新bug修改 il y a 1 an
postcss.config.js 0601726296 update il y a 1 an
vue.config.js 0601726296 update il y a 1 an


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.